What’s Next?

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

2017, my Year Of The Road Trip, is almost over. I have re-lived that three-week sprint across the United States with my family many times this year, and I’m sure I will continue to for many for years to come. But now that 2017 is coming to an end, it seems like the appropriate time to close down any more blog posts on this site, and instead keep this space frozen in this special moment in time.

Keeping a blog of our trip was a great experience for me; I love having a space to throw my thoughts into the ether, and I enjoy the use of a personal blog as a means to do it. (For me, there is too much of a downside to social media. I unloaded Facebook more than a year ago, and over the past months I have extricated myself from Twitter—my last holdout.)

With all that in mind, if for some bizarre reason you are still interested in reading some of my random thoughts and stories, I’d like to direct you to my blog, davidbeedle.com. I usually post something every month or two. A few days ago I posted a story about a radio play I wrote and produced way back in 1985 (ah yes … 1985 … also known as the Stone Ages) while taking classes at the local Community College.

So, check it out if you’d like; subscribe if you want. But what ever you do, have a wonderful holiday. I loved sharing our trip with all of you, and wish you a Happy New Year.

Onward and upward!



David Healy (aka: “David the 1st”)

Happy Holidays all!!!

Thanks for including me – I’m with you on face book, twice been hacked thru it.
The Merriest of Christmases to you!
Great that Max is pursuing Civil Engineering at Lehigh!

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