Day 6 – Bryce

Wanted to add a few more photos of Bryce and Zion. I no longer will say photos don’t do justice to the actual thing. It’s obvious that’s true, so why keep saying it? Bryce Canyon looks as if the gods spent the day making sand dribble castles and then turned them to stone. The red of the rocks in the morning light is an unforgettable sight.

As far as Bryce Canyon goes, Dad would be proud of me … and then he’d be disappointed. Proud because I got Laura and Max up extra early and we were on the road to Bryce before the sun was up … and then disappointed because we didn’t get inside the canyon until the sun had already risen. Such a rookie mistake, missing sunrise. Sorry Dad!

Here are some photos of Bryce. Next post: Zion.

1 comment

It is no wonder that Ansel Adams, John Muir and countless others could not escape the gravitation of places like these. To describe this place as a “Kodak moment” is to wholly underestimate the greatness of the landscape and to seek to redefine what the concept of a moment is.

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